Laser Cleaning Service
With our laser cleaning service, you can send us batches of parts for cleaning. We will remove surface contaminants based on your requirements, then send them back to you or one of your suppliers. If shipping your parts to Laserax is not an option, we can come to you with a laser cleaning machine.
Our service is useful to:
- Validate laser cleaning in your manufacturing process
- Create a small batch for prototyping or preproduction
- Start production while you wait for a laser cleaning machine order
- Accommodate a temporary increase in production
Examples of Industrial Cleaning Applications
Laser cleaning is used for industrial applications to remove all types of contaminants from metal surfaces, including dust, rust, oil, oxide, and coatings.
The Best Cleaning Quality at Your Service
Coordination with
Your Suppliers
Parts cleaned at Laserax can be sent directly to your suppliers if, for instance, they need to be coated or welded after cleaning. Our team will coordinate with them for a timely delivery.
No Recontamination
During Shipping
To prevent recontamination during shipping, we use packaging techniques that protect parts from oxidation. Depending on the parts, we use vacuum sealed bags, VCI bags, Argon gas, or the technique of your choice.
Cleaning Quality Validation
Our labs are equipped with advanced tools to validate the cleaning quality of your parts. These include WCA, RFU, and Dyne pen measurements (surface cleanliness), SEM (ultra-high-resolution images, effect of the laser on the bare surface), XPS (chemical composition of the surface), and shelf-life tests.
How Does Laser Cleaning Work?
All materials have an ablation threshold, which is the temperature at which the bond between molecules breaks, causing them to vaporize into dust and fumes. Laser cleaning uses laser ablation to remove contaminants.
It all starts with a laser beam—a concentrated beam of light that carries a huge amount of energy. When that energy connects with the surface, part of it is absorbed, part is reflected. The energy that is absorbed causes the surface to heat up.
When contaminants reach their ablation threshold, they are ejected from the surface. Since the ablation threshold of metals is much higher than that of contaminants, contaminants can be removed without damaging the bare metal.
You can read more about how laser cleaning works here.
Laser Cleaning vs. Traditional Methods
Laser cleaning technology offers a range of advantages compared to traditional cleaning methods. With the laser’s high precision, it is possible to operate without masking and prevent damage to the substrate.
Laser cleaning is also a cost-effective solution with low operating costs, minimal maintenance, and no consumables.
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