Laser Safety
Class 1 Laser Products: Regulations Explained
All over the world, laser products are identified with warning labels like the ones above. But what does a Class 1 label mean? And who decides which labels to apply?
How to Choose a Laser Fume Extractor
To make sure laser technology is perfectly safe in manufacturing environments, it must be implemented properly to prevent health risks. One of the important laser safety considerations is the extraction and the filtration of fumes.
Laser Classes & Laser Safety - What You Need to Know
Some lasers are powerful enough to damage your skin, cause serious eye injuries, and set your workplace on fire. This is why governmental and international organizations have put in place strict standards separating laser systems into safety classes according to their ability to cause hazards.
Laser Safety Resources and references
When integrating high-power laser on production floors some concerns regarding the safety of workers will surely arise. In this blog, we suggest a series of resources that you might find useful to...
The Basics of Laser Safety... For Open-Air Enclosure
As a smelting, a die-casting or extrusion professional, are you considering the use of laser direct part marking to improve traceability? Laserax’s open-air laser marking system may be the solution...
The Basics of Safety for Sealed Laser Enclosures
One of the most common uses of lasers is, you guessed it, office laser printing. As a matter of fact, laser diodes can be found in your regular run-of-the-mill office printer. You probably never...
The Basics of Laser Safety
Nobody expects that the intensity required to tear speckles of metal from a part to be harmless to humans. But you might not expect that the reflections of the laser beam might be harmful to humans...